Whale Alerts
Get notified when whales move crypto.
Automatically discover the largest crypto transactions on
ETH and

Learn when whales are buying and selling in real-time.
Choose from 7 different ways to get alerted, including our Slack, Discord and Telegram bot.
We monitor every transaction on the
ETH and
BSC networks. Then we filter out the noise.
Full ERC20 & BEP20 Support
Track thousands of tokens for unusually large transfers.
Track thousands of tokens for unusually large transfers.
Tether Minting Alerts
Get notified when stablecoins are minted (or burned!) in large quantities.
Get notified when stablecoins are minted (or burned!) in large quantities.
Track Exchange Flows
Learn when whales deposit and withdraw from crypto exchanges.
Learn when whales deposit and withdraw from crypto exchanges.
Leverage our Webhooks & REST API to programmatically react to notifications.
Track the entire
Ethereum or
Binance Smart Chain networks with a single alert.
Instantly learn when whales and exchanges move their funds.
Get notified via push notification, telegram, slack, discord, or even a phone call for urgent events.
Track the entire

Instantly learn when whales and exchanges move their funds.
Get notified via push notification, telegram, slack, discord, or even a phone call for urgent events.