Crypto Volume Tracker
Scan & track trading volume for top crypto exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, Kucoin and Kraken.
Receiving Cryptocurrency Trading Volume Signals
The trading volume of a given market is a common technical analysis indicator in both traditional finance and in the crypto ecosystem. While this metric can be used in lots of different ways by both traders and analysts, one thing is pretty clear: large price movements and volume spikes are strongly correlated. Receiving realtime volume spike alerts can greatly improve visibility into a market, and can help detect trend shifts, price breakouts and more. We currently track volume data for

What is Trading Volume?
Trading volume is the amount of a given cryptocurrency that is bought or sold on an exchange in a given time period. It is typically measured in the currency being bought or sold. For example, if someone purchases 2 BTC for $100,000 USD, the recorded volume would be 2. Volume varies greatly over time, especially within short time scales. If an important news story breaks, or a major resistance level is crossed, the amount of trading can often spike by several orders of magnitude. Many investors and trading bots develop systems that automatically incorporate trading volume into their process.How do we calculate our volume signals?
Volume data can be very noisy, so we take the average of the last 20 candles when monitoring for volume signals. This helps reduce noisy outliers that can create alert fatigue. Our goal is to create a strong signal that is as reliable as possible. This is essentially the 20 SMA (Simple Moving Average) of a given time window. For example, let's say you set an alert for when ETH trading volume increases by 5x within the last 30 minutes. We first compute the average volume for the last 20 sets of 30 minutes, and then compare this number with the current 30 minute candle. If this candle ever goes 5x (500%) above the computed average, we immediately send out the alert. Note that this might occur at any point during the current 30 minute candle. It does not need to finish before the alert is sent.We support volume thresholds between 2x and 50x in time windows between 1 minute and 1 hour. Some calibration might be necessary to perfect the signal you wish to produce, since volume spikes manifest themselves differently with different assets in different time windows.
How fast do you send these alerts?
Since we continually collect market data via a persistent websocket connection, our alerts are monitored in realtime. You should expect to receive the alert within 15 to 60 seconds of the alert condition being met.Receive custom crypto volume scanner alerts
To begin receiving these notifications, you can visit our Crypto Volume Alerts page or simply use the form below. Select a specific coin that you would like to monitor, and select the exchange that you would like to track trading volume on. Please make sure that the cryptocurrency you're tracking is actively traded on the exchange you select.Next, you'll need to pick a threshold to be alerted, followed by a time window. The smaller the time window, the larger the threshold you should pick. For example, when looking at time windows of 5 minutes or less, you might need a very large alerting threshold to cut through the noise (such as 25x or more). Coins with lower marketcaps will also require higher thresholds.
Our platform supports 9 different alerting methods including Push Notifications, SMS, Telegram and Discord. You can even get an automated Phone Call for extremely urgent events!
Click "Set Alert" once you've filled out the form. You'll be asked to sign up for an account if you haven't already. We ask for no personal information, just a valid email address. You'll see a confirmation screen and then you're all set! You'll now be scanning for crypto volume signals automatically. Head on over to our Crypto Volume Alerts page to view and manage your existing alerts in the future.
Volume Alert
Get notified of unusual trading volume on crypto exchanges.
Monitor trading volume in real-time across top crypto exchanges, including
Coinbase Pro,
Kucoin, and

Choose from nine ways to receive alerts, such as our Telegram, Discord or Slack bots.
Stay ahead of the market by detecting spikes in volume, a valuable trading signal often indicating a price breakout or trend shift.
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