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Select mentions in the press
- CNET: Set Crypto Price Alerts to Know When to Buy and Sell
- Cryptocurrency Alerting Will Notify You of Price Movements
- Ranked #1 by Windows Report in list of 7 Best ways to Monitor Crypto Prices
- Ranked #1 by Geekflare in list of 8 Best Crypto and Bitcoin Alerts Tools to Track Price
- CoinCodex: See What Crypto Whales Are Buying
- Best Crypto Alerts Sites for 2024
- Interview with the co-founder of Cryptocurrency Alerting
Happy customers
Some testimonials from X (Twitter). Follow us @crypto_alerting
1. Monitor new listings.
— Miles Deutscher (@milesdeutscher) April 17, 2023
You can use a website like @crypto_alerting to send you an alert any time a new coin is listed.
If you're on top of the new listings, this may help you catch a "listing pump".
With all the recent volatility, I'm thankful for services like @crypto_alerting. It's the best I've used for price alerts on crypto. Literally saved me from getting liquidated on my $LUNA
— IMineBlocks ⛏️ (@IMineBlocks_com) May 24, 2021
Setup your first price alerts for free ->
[🧰Tools] #Ethereum est de nouveau une plaie à utiliser pour nos wallets. Des fees supérieurs au prix de votre Mint, on souffle fort 😮💨@crypto_alerting va être votre nouvel ami ! Créer une alerte pour recevoir mail/sms/Discord quand les fees sont ok!
— Koro (@MaitreKoro) February 22, 2023
Based on the user feedback adding useful alerts in our discord server. Thanks to @crypto_alerting for an amazing and easy to integrate alerting tool.
— Freely.Finance (@FreelyFinance) May 17, 2021
Join discord server: #FreelyFinance #Freely #Liquity
You guys have made me well over 6 figures 🤑 in my 1 year subscription so I am more than happy to overlook this error which did cause some confusion and loss to my bankroll today. I say keep it on even if it is just the API because missing a CB listing is a NIGHTMARE! 😱
— BitcoinBeard (@TheBitcoinBeard) February 11, 2021
@crypto_alerting Great job guys, keep this up!!
— Thathard Matrix • Highertracks.eth (@RktypCreate) January 7, 2021
Want to set up some $PRIA alerts? @crypto_alerting got you covered. You can set up conditional $PRIA alerts against popular crypto crosses, FX majors and exotics. You can receive alerts via telegram, email, sms, push notifications, phone call, you name it.#defi #uniswap
— DEFI LABS (@defi_labs_) November 6, 2020
@crypto_alerting does a solid job of notifying about new exchange listings, been able to capitalize a few times by keeping on notifications for their tweets
— David Goose 🧪 (@davidjgoosey) December 16, 2021
Found a crypto notification app that calls you with a price notification. Great if you're borrowing on @anchor_protocol and need notifications for certain price levels. So many notifications options from many exchanges. Thanks @crypto_alerting. Got desktop and phone app. $LUNA
— Crypto___Scotty (@crypto___scotty) January 8, 2022
In case anyone is searching for an alerting bot, I use this one: @crypto_alerting
— Crypto Saitama (@GerCryptoDude) March 24, 2021
The $3 plan is just fine and it is quite fast in keeping up with the market. No ad whatsoever, I just really like using it lol