Penny Stock Alerts
Get realtime price & volatility alerts on penny stocks.
- Set price alerts to get notified when any stock goes above or below a custom threshold.
- Use our volatility alerts to get notified when a stock price changes by a specific percent within a specified time window.
- Create a regular price update to get periodic reminders of the price a given stock.
- Bookmark our penny stocks tracker to browse and discover penny stocks listed on NYSE, Nasdaq, AMEX and BATS. You can also see today's biggest gainers and losers.
Our system supports both pre-market and after-hours trading. Get started using the widget below.
Stock Market Alert
Get notified when a stock price goes above or below a target.
We monitor ##### stocks and ETFs for configurable real-time price alerts.
Choose from 9 different ways to receive alerts, such as our Telegram, Discord or Slack bots.
Leverage our platform to monitor traditional financial markets. Follow specific stocks like TSLA & AAPL, or track ETFs like SPY.
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