ETH Gas Tracker
Track when ETH transaction fees reach a target level. Get notified via SMS, Email, Telegram and more.
What is Ethereum gas?
A core concept behind the Ethereum blockchain (as well as several other chains) is the notion of gas. Since Ethereum is a general purpose blockchain, it can perform lots of different functions that vary in complexity. We need a way to pay for the amount of work being done in a given transaction, since some kinds of transactions are more involved than others. Minting an NFT, for example, requires more gas than simply sending a token from one wallet to another. Swapping a token on a DEX is more costly than simply approving a token to be swapped. This is where gas comes in. Gas is the fee paid by the user to pay for these transactions.So in short, the amount of gas required for each transaction depends on the complexity of the transaction.
Why does the ETH gas price change?
While the amount of gas required for any specific type of transaction remains constant, the gas price is dynamic. The price of gas goes up and down based on demand. Think of it like paying a toll to cross a bridge, but the toll goes up when there's a lot of traffic. Average gas price over time (in Gwei) - Chart courtesy of
Miners are financially motivated to prioritize transactions that pay higher gas prices. Since only a certain number of transactions can be included in each block, you'll need to pay enough to make the cut. And when the ETH network experiences a surge in activity, that price can start to go up exponentially.
A market forms around the price of gas based on this supply and demand. There are lots of ETH gas price calculators out there. We take it a step further by automatically tracking eth gas price and notifying you when the price goes above or below a threshold of your choice.
Stop overpaying for gas!
Most of us will occasionally have low-priority transactions that are not time-sensitive. You can simply wait until gas prices are lower. Historically, when gas prices rise significantly, this is a very short-lived trend. Even a few hours can make an enormous difference! It makes sense to be patient and allow network activity to slow down before sending your transaction. This can save you a lot of money on fees.What is Gwei?
Gwei is a denomination of Ethereum. 1 gwei = 0.000000001 ETH, so instead of saying that gas costs 0.000000001 ETH, you can say that gas costs 1 gwei. Its a common and useful way to express the price of Ethereum gas. Note that the smallest denomination of ETH actually goes down to 18 decimal places, so gwei is not the smallest amount of ETH (so it should not be thought of like a satoshi (or sat), which is the smallest denomination of BTC).How can I automatically monitor ETH gas prices?
To begin tracking ETH gas prices automatically, you can visit our ETH Gas Price Alerts page or simply use the form below. We support 3 different speeds: Fast (30 seconds), Average (2 minutes) and Slow (5 minutes). These levels represent the current amount it costs to have your transaction confirmed within the given time period. For most cases, selecting "Slow" should be fine.Next, enter the gas price you wish to receive an alert for. We provide a realtime preview of the current gas price to help you estimate where the market currently prices these levels. We also support adding a note to an alert, to help remind you of any additional context that might be useful when the alert is sent, such as the specific transaction you're waiting to send.
Our platform supports 9 different alerting methods including Push Notifications, SMS, Telegram and Discord. You can even get an automated Phone Call for extremely urgent events!
Once the form is filled out, click "Set Alert". You'll be asked to sign up for an account if you haven't already. We ask for no personal information, just a valid email address. You'll see a confirmation screen and then you're all set! You'll now be notified when it's a good time to make your next ETH transaction. Head on over to our ETH Gas Price Alerts page to view and manage your existing alerts in the future.
ETH Gas Price Alert
Get notified when Ethereum transaction fees are cheap.
Track ETH gas price automatically and get notified when it's a smart time to send a transaction.
Choose from nine ways to receive alerts, such as our Telegram bot, Discord, SMS and more.
Stay informed as network conditions change. Ensure you spend the correct amount of gwei when interacting with the ETH blockchain.
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